New TOEX Infographic Published
We're pleased to share our new infographics, which detail significant progress and key highlights of the TOEX Programme in response to tackling serious and organised exploitative crime.
The documents focus on the two key work streams of TOEX – the operational outcomes and technical enablers highlighting activity undertaken since the inception of the programme and the additional capacity and capability the TOEX approach has provided policing across the vulnerability landscape.
Today we're publishing our operational outcomes infographic.
Previously, we shared the final report following an independent evaluation of the TOEX Programme by Crest Advisory.
In evaluating the work of the embedded TOEX teams within each of the Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs), and are supporting your forces, Crest concluded that “TOEX has provided vital capacity to the SOC system, supporting a growing number of investigations and ensuring they are moved forward and then closed down when appropriate” and the programme “continues to identify hidden harm through proactive investigation of OE”. In addition, “national stakeholders are confident that TOEX is having a positive impact on the SOC system through its whole-system approach and nationally coordinated, regionally delivered model”.
A further report, by Crest, analysing the economic and social value of the TOEX model concluded that it had uncovered £156.3 million worth of annual social and economic costs to the UK from organised exploitation - not recognised elsewhere in the policing system - of which £30.8 million is cashable.
In addition, the infographic details feedback from forces who have benefited from TOEX support. One force said: "The staff from TOEX were always helpful and professional. The products supplied to us as an investigation team were excellent and provided key lines of enquiries. Their expertise and capabilities greatly assisted the entire investigation."
Click here to view the operational outcomes infographic
We previously shared with you the technical enablers infographic - click here to view.